I must admit I’m a bit of a seedaholic, I get carried away when looking at seed catalogues at this time of year getting excited about next Spring. I usually start by tipping out my unorganised tins, bags and coat pockets to make sure I don’t double up on leftover seeds from previous years, I’m also guilty of sowing seeds which are slightly out of date and take a gamble.
Each year I like to buy something new to try and this year I’ve gone for Edamame beans which are apparently as easy to grow as French beans and a bread seed poppy Papaver somniferum ‘Maanzaad’, producing beautiful white single flowers with pink markings and a seed head which holds onto the seeds rather than allow the seeds to scatter making seed collection easier.
We are also now stocking a beautiful range of Piccolo Seeds in the workshop.
Here are list of our favourite seed companies
Chiltern Seeds 01491 824675 www.chilternseeds.co.uk
DT Brown 0333 003 0869 www.dtbrownseeds.co.uk
Frangi seeds 0208 427 5020 www.seedsofitaly.com
Higgledy Garden www.higgledygarden.com
Kings Seeds (Sufflok Herbs) 01376 570 000 www.kingsseeds.com
Piccolo Seeds www.piccoloseeds.com
Real Seeds 01239 821107 www.realseeds.co.uk
Sutton seeds 0844 736 4208 www.suttons.co.uk
Vital Seeds www.vitalseeds.co.uk